Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Winning Your Boyfriend Back - You Have To Do This Before It Can ...

Winning Your Boyfriend Back  -  You Have To Do This Before It Can Happen

If you're daydreaming constantly about rekindling your broken relationship and it's the only thing that pervades your thoughts, it's time to move out of your head and into reality. It's normal to want your relationship back - it's a sign that you were fully invested and that your feelings are still valid and stronger than ever. But dreaming about it is not the way to make it happen. Your ex-boyfriend made the decision to end things and he probably didn't consult you beforehand. That makes you feel horrible. Take heart - all hope isn't lost.

Now is the time to get the power back and take corrective action. Instead of reacting to the news, take action. If you're serious about getting him back for good, it's entirely possible. You need to take stock, come up with a plan and put it into action instead of waiting for an answer to fall into your lap. Use your head and be smart about it and you can turn the whole situation upside down.

Get Started Sooner Rather than Later

The longer the time has been since he ended things, the more it feels like you're always going to feel that way. You can't imagine this sense of helpless frustration ever completely going away. You want to move forward and take some steps towards rekindling your relationship but you're afraid of doing the wrong thing. The situation is a volatile one and you fear that success and failure are only a toss of the coin apart. It's true that a lot depends on you, now. Doing the right thing can be an elusive and tricky path - but it's not an impossible one.

You feel as if everything is stacked against you, and you're not entirely off-base. Your position is challenging, but all things worth having are worth a bit of a struggle to achieve them. Make sure that you don't set yourself up to fail - and don't become your own biggest obstacle. Do yourself the biggest favor of all and try to distance yourself from the emotions that this situation often prompts. Thinking becomes easier when your feelings don't play a huge roll in your actions. By pulling that off successfully, you're putting yourself in a much better position - and you have a much bigger chance of getting him back for good.

Waiting weeks to hear from your ex again can seem like an impossible and infinite amount of time, but it's not in the long run. Think about it - if you succeed and reestablish your relationship, what's a couple of weeks? You have the potential to rebuild something that could last indefinitely. A few weeks of waiting is worth the payoff, right? Guys can scare easily - especially when dealing with an ex. Don't give him a reason to push you away for good. Allow him this time to himself. Truthfully it can be a beneficial and positive time for both of you.

Acting wisely doesn't have to take forever. There are ways that you can gain back his interest and they can be done fast. You don't have to just wait for a miracle - you can make one happen on your own.

Your ex may seem like he's interested in anything BUT you after a difficult breakup but he's putting on a show. It may be as much for his benefit as it is for yours - he's trying to stifle his lingering feelings for you and show you that the breakup was what he really wanted. If you show him by your actions or words that you're still hurting, he's going to feel like his decision was a good move. He's watching your every move carefully despite how it appears. He doesn't feel like anything is at risk here. You need to show him that he's wrong.

Starting the Process - Renewing his Interest

Curiosity is the spice of life and it automatically triggers the human instinct to know more. The less he knows, the more he's going to wonder. He can't count on you for answers anymore since you've left him alone and done your own thing. That means that his curiosity is going to put you back in his mind and that's going to start allowing him to miss you. That is your open door back into his heart.

You can increase your opening by showing him that maybe the breakup wasn't such a bad thing after all. Even though you still want him, the way you behave can give him the opposite impression. If you act in a self-assured, confident manner and start moving towards a new beginning, he's going to start to wonder if he's going to be left in the past. This will force him to reevaluate his decision based on the possibility that he may have to watch you walk out for good.

At this point he's going to do whatever he needs to do to make sure that doesn't happen. He doesn't want you to leave him behind, even though he decided to end the relationship initially. He may have already had doubts as soon as the breakup happened or even before he went through with it to begin with. All you're doing is bringing those doubts back up and not allowing them to remain beneath the surface.

He may have tried to bury his feelings for you immediately following the breakup. He locked his thoughts and feelings up tight but now they're coming back up and threatening to boil over. He is starting to realize that he may be on the brink of losing you completely and that you may not be willing to come back. That's going to prompt him to take quick and decisive action to put the process in reverse. Ultimately, this is what will lead him to want you back entirely.

Put Your Fears to Rest - Your Ex Still Have Feelings for You

It's normal to feel insecure or uncertain when it comes to your ex's feelings. Guys can be hard to read - especially after a breakup has taken place. You don't need to worry - all of those emotions have stuck around, even if he's been consistently choosing to not acknowledge them.

By now you know that he's not going to change his mind overnight. Now you need to take action - but you need to do it in a way that doesn't seem obvious. Subtlety is a woman's best gift in these scenarios and now you have the perfect opportunity to use it. Memories are powerful tools that bind two people together emotionally, and you can trigger all those positive memories in your ex's mind.

By having a plan in place for all situations, you have prepared yourself perfectly for the rest of the process. You don't have to just lay everything on the line and hope that it all works out - you can make sure that it does. Your strength and dedication are about to pay off - and you have yourself to thank.

Your Next Steps

Now you generally know what you should be doing to get back your ex boyfriend. There are loads more specific steps that you should be taking according to your own personal circumstances. Don't think that doing any old thing will do the trick at this stage, you need a more planned approach. That is why you should first learn these post break up mistakes that women commit. Avoid these if you can because they will make your ex boyfriend pull away from you.

Knowing if he has any interest left in you is also a good plan at this stage. Watch out for the signs he still likes you before you proceed. If he doesn't seem interested, or if you want to encourage his desire for you, there are certain things that you can do to make him want you back. Get this right and he will soon see the error of his ways.


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