Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Marigold Road | Mindy Harris: Lessons in Motherhood

Each week I find myself recommitting to my job; I find that it really shapes the success or failure of the week. Gosh, being the heart of the home has so much truth to it!

?The kids do better when I'm committed to being faithful to my choice to stay home full time with them...instead of acting like they are "in the way" of "my stuff" (how selfish), like blogging, Etsy, friends, Origami Owl, Facebook, etc. Things that when I'm an old lady I'll look back on and not have much to gush about!

That is all at the bottom of the ladder for me.


I'm not trying to be rockstar at 100 things. I'm trying to excel at the couple of hugely important things on my plate! (marriage and parenting keep me busy enough)

On another note, I am certainly a nurturing type (ask my friends who's kids I love and dote on, as well as my own), but those more mundane "task oriented" things/demands of motherhood drive me a bit nuts. It takes intense motivation and self-discipline to complete all those things.

You need me to pick up your dropped spoon again?

What? There's dishes?

As if it's a surprise or something.

I'm growing in all of that. It helps to think of this: Shawn's grandpa and grandma, who are both in heaven now, had, like us, those family trips that involved the stress of packing. They too did laundry and watched as piles of dishes mocked them. They had to discipline sibling fights and get up early to make it to church on time. These are not surprises about being a grown up. These are the things that come along and have to be done.?


Chet and Dorothy's legacy of devoting themselves to family, lives on.?

They made it through with flying colors.


We can, too.

Source: http://www.marigoldroad.com/2013/01/lessons-in-motherhood.html

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