Friday, February 1, 2013

Oil Detection Methods Miss Important Class of Chemicals

They imply that some of these can kill fish embryos in closed bays and estuaries.

one study linked unidentified oil chemicals to a spike in fish embryo deaths in San Francisco Bay

Really? How do they know it wasn't just raw sewage, or industrial chemicals if they didn't even identify the chemical, or even prove it came from the oil spill?

However, it appears their real complaint is this:

Reddy says overlooking these chemicals could hinder spill research in several ways, including thwarting scientists? attempts to account for what happens to oil after a spill. After the Deepwater Horizon spill, government and academic groups could only explain the fate of about 75% of the oil released into the Gulf of Mexico. The oxidized compounds could be a portion of this ?missing? oil, Reddy says.

Its not that the oil is "missed", its just that the oil once degraded to the point that it is not oil anymore is hard for them to measure with current methods, so they can't figure out where it went.

The main point, is tha


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